Submit your non-profit to the ScoreSide platform
ScoreSide is always open to adding more non-profit organizations to our platform! If you have a non-profit which you’d like to raise money for through a ScoreSide campaign, just follow the steps below to send in your request. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can to accept your submission or request more information.
Submitting your Non-Profit
Navigate to the ScoreSide Admin website
Sign up for a ScoreSide account specifically for your non-profit
If you already have a personal ScoreSide account, we recommend creating a new one specifically for managing the non-profit. It’s entirely up to you though, so if you already have an account you’d like to use then just sign in with it instead.
Navigate to the “Org Request” tab
Enter your non-profit’s name, descriptions, EIN, and and website URL into the form, then submit it
Wait to hear back from us via email
We respond to most organization requests within 24 hrs.
You can also reload the Org Request page on the Admin website to see the most up-to-date status of your pending requests
Once we’ve approved your organization request you can connect your account through Stripe to the ScoreSide platform so that we can send funds your way when your campaign receives donations!